Downtown, Beirut, Lebanon
+961 76 111 845
The majority of the population is of African descent. Most of Antigua’s inhabitants live in St. John’s. The language is English, and some two-thirds of the people are Christian. The single largest denomination is Anglicanism. There are also large proportions of Seventh-day Adventists, Pentecostals, Moravians, and Methodists.
Agriculture is the main economic activity, counting for nearly 60% of GDP and 40% of investments. Agricultural production is focused on the domestic market and constraint by limited water supply, as well as a labor shortage stemming from the lure of high wages in tourism and construction.
Antigua based Airline.
LIAT: Antigua Based Carribean Airline.
Barbuda Express: Ferry Service between Barbuda and Antigua.
The Antigua and Barbuda business council offers a wide range of services for different business sectors. Get to know the various business options we deal with and choose the one that best matches your business needs.
Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda form the independent nation of Antigua & Barbuda, within the commonwealth of Nations. The are part of the Leeward Islands in the West Indies. When Christopher Columbus “Found” the Island nation in the eastern Carribean Sea in 1493, it was inhabited by Amerindian tribes. “Santa Maria de la Antigua”, he named the island.
Settlements y the Spanish and French were succeeded by the English who formed a colony in 1447. Tobacco was initially farmed but sugar proved to be more profitable in the late 17th century. They established slavery to run the sugar plantations on Antigua.
Antigua & Barbuda gained independence in 1981, although it is still British in many of its traditions.
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Hussein El-Batal elected Chairman of the Antigua & Barbuda Business Council
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